Access-Hwy 603 and Farm turn row
Timber Stand-Hardwood
Hunting-Deer, ducks, rabbits, squirrel, doves
Flood Tendencies-Parts in extreme rains
CRP Information
69 acres with an annual payment of approx. $6258.00.
Date of entry 10/1/2009 -
Date of expiration 9/30/2024
Comments-Hunting tract located in a great area with good backup southeast of Tallulah. The tract provides income from 69 acres enrolled in CRP for just over $6258.00 per year thru 2024. There is also a 5.5 acre shallow water area with a levee and control structure that will provide duck hunting year after year. It has 2 food plots and 2 box stands will go with this sale.
Listing Agent-Jim Rolfe