Access- Ave Q, Road 10& 11, Ave S
FSA Information
Farm Number 2231
Total Acres 805
Cropland Acres 778
Bases Direct Payment Yield
Wheat 618.1 21
Grain Sorghum 125.9 53
Improvements:Old homestead
Comments-The subject property is located approximately 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Buttermilk, KS or 3 miles south and 6 miles east of Protection, KS. According to the USDA Farm Service Agency, the subject property features 778.86 acres of cropland, 18.34 acres of grass waste in the shallow drainage-way known as the Salt Fork of the Arkansas, and 8.27 acres utilized in an abandoned farmstead and cattle pens. The balance of the subject is in country road right of ways. The parcel's E2 of 27 and N2 of 34 primarily feature desirable Class 1 & 3 dryland soils with a nearly level to gently sloping topography. The parcel feature...
Comments-The subject property is located approximately 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Buttermilk, KS or 3 miles south and 6 miles east of Protection, KS. According to the USDA Farm Service Agency, the subject property features 778.86 acres of cropland, 18.34 acres of grass waste in the shallow drainage-way known as the Salt Fork of the Arkansas, and 8.27 acres utilized in an abandoned farmstead and cattle pens. The balance of the subject is in country road right of ways. The parcel's E2 of 27 and N2 of 34 primarily feature desirable Class 1 & 3 dryland soils with a nearly level to gently sloping topography. The parcel features county gravel road access along the north and east lines. County dirt road access is available to the parcel's west and south lines. The property features a water well and pipe livestock corrals and load out at an abandoned improvement site in the southeast corner. It is also improved with a calf starting facility. However, the client has requested that this facility be outside the scope of this analysis as these improvements can be considered personal property.
Listing Agent-Brad Brown