acrerage: 160+/-
Location: Approximately 1 mile South of Knickerbocker, Texas or 18 miles South of San Angelo, Texas in Tom Green County.
Improvements: Improvements on the property consist of all new high tensile net wire fences except for one side of the boundary line that will be built after the total acreage is decided at the time of sale. Also, on the property is a water well with electric pump and a large rock water storage reservoir with its own pump which is shared with neighbor.
Terrain: The property consists of hill tops around the perimeter with rocky soils and low lying meadows with deeper soils. Vegetation on the ranch consist of mainly cedar, mesquite, live oak trees, algerita, and other native plant species.
Hunting: Native wildlife in the area consist of dove, quail, white-tail deer, and turkey on the property. Black buck antelope on the ranch provides an added bon...
Hunting: Native wildlife in the area consist of dove, quail, white-tail deer, and turkey on the property. Black buck antelope on the ranch provides an added bonus.
Minerals: Owner will convey 1/2 of owned minerals to new buyer.
Price: $2250.00 an acre or $360,000.00
Comments: This a very nice ranch with all new fences. This size property in the area is hard to find and rarely is available. The property line can be moved to some extent which allows the new buyer to have some say on the amount of acreage they would like to purchase. With the property proximity to San Angelo his would be a great place to build a dream home or just have a weekend getaway place. Call today for details.