The Kittelman Dryland & Pasture is located approximately 17 miles southeast of Chadron and 10 miles west of Hay Springs in Dawes County, Nebraska. Comprised of 919.3 deeded acres /-, this combination property enjoys 360 acres /- of quality dryland farm ground with the balance in grass. Situated along the Speirs Road, this productive property is easily accessed off HWY 385 and HWY 20. Stretching for almost a half mile east from the improvements, which include an older barn and shop, is a mature tree row that provides great protection for livestock and adequate cover for wildlife.
Price: $885,000.00
Terms: Cash
Legal Description: SE, Section 7; NW; S, Section 17; NENW; NE, Section
18; NNW, Section 20, Township 31 North, Ranch 47 West, 6th P.M., Dawes
County, Nebraska
Possession: To be determined.
Acreage: 919.3 Deeded Acres /-
Real Estate Taxes: $5,595.00 (2015)
Improvements: Older Barn and Shop.