New York woodland located near Saratoga Springs for Sale: Timberland Realty is proud to exclusively offer the King Road Highlands located in the Town of Greenfield, in Saratoga County. Situated just 6 miles from downtown Saratoga Springs, this property offers secluded building opportunities while being close to all the desirable amenities that the Saratoga region has to offer. The property is 58.18 surveyed acres, with the boundary corners and lines easily located. It lies on the east side of King Road, with a gated access fortified by ample gravel. From King Road the elevation rises ~200 feet to a ridge that runs northeasterly by southwesterly, with a favorable aspect to the east and southeast. A scenic overlook could be developed from this high point that would allow for scenic views as distant as the hills of Washington County and the Green Mountains of Vermont. Much of the prop...
New York woodland located near Saratoga Springs for Sale: Timberland Realty is proud to exclusively offer the King Road Highlands located in the Town of Greenfield, in Saratoga County. Situated just 6 miles from downtown Saratoga Springs, this property offers secluded building opportunities while being close to all the desirable amenities that the Saratoga region has to offer. The property is 58.18 surveyed acres, with the boundary corners and lines easily located. It lies on the east side of King Road, with a gated access fortified by ample gravel. From King Road the elevation rises ~200 feet to a ridge that runs northeasterly by southwesterly, with a favorable aspect to the east and southeast. A scenic overlook could be developed from this high point that would allow for scenic views as distant as the hills of Washington County and the Green Mountains of Vermont. Much of the property is high and dry, with some wetlands along the southeastern, eastern, and northeastern boundaries. These wetlands are part of the Wheeler Creek Watershed, which is a 4-season stream that passes through abutting properties. This wetland complex not only provides for unique wildlife habitat and brilliant fall colors, but it also serves as a natural barrier to encroachment along the eastern boundary. This property was last managed for timber in 2015 under the guidance of a professional forester. The timber harvest has left a forest that is aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to wildlife, with a fair amount of merchantable timber for future growth potential. The property is not currently enrolled under Real Property Tax Law 480a, but it could be enrolled as long as 50 acres of productive forest remains. Rural-off grid opportunities on this property might include solar power for an individual residence (aspect is favorable); sustainable firewood harvest for home heating; and maple sugaring opportunities, due to the abundance of sugar and red maple trees. Although currently under forest cover, much of the soil types on the property are classified as either prime farmland soils or soils of state-wide importance, which presents opportunities for other agricultural pursuits. The presence of stone walls and barbed wire on the property points to its agricultural past, including the pasturing of livestock. One of the prime assets of this property, aside from being able to build a home with a view, is the ability to step out the door and have recreational opportunities at one's disposal. Access through the property is via several former agricultural and logging trails, some of which are bounded by stone walls. These trails lend themselves to a variety of recreational uses, such as hiking, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing. The property is in the Northern Hunting Zone of Region 5 (north of Route 29), Wildlife Management Unit 5J. The nearest residence is within 250’ of the southwest corner, and all other residences are 500-600 feet from the property line. The property is zoned as Medium Density-1 (MDR-1). The included table lists Principal Permitted Uses, as well as Uses Not Allowed and all uses between. Adjacent to the King Road Highlands is the 9.908-acre Wheeler Creek Woodlot, also currently listed by Timberland Realty. There is 245 feet of common property line with that property, which is accessible from South Greenfield Road.
From Exit 15 off Interstate 87 (Adirondack Northway) proceed west on State Route 50 (NY Truck 29) towards Saratoga Springs for 1.8 miles. Bear right onto VanDam Street for ½ mile. VanDam becomes Church Street (Route 9N North), proceed for 2.5 miles. Turn left onto Middle Grove Road, proceed for 2.1 miles. Turn right onto King Road, proceed approximately ¾ mile. Gate located just north of #75 King Road, on the right side.