Keller Farm & Ranch II hasawesome views of the Abajo Mountains to the West, LaSal Mountains to the North,and distant Colorado Mountains to the East. While this 160acre tract of farmground sits in an area known for Dry-Farming (Monticello, Utah), thisproperty's water table is above average. Mule-Deer, Elk, Bear, Cougar, &Coyote roams here. Moab and its surrounding National Parks are less than an houraway.
Property is in the final year of the CRP program. Thus, no farming has taken place for years. The groundis very flat & open, with a Sagebrush draw area on Northeast corner.Possible Stock-pond location. Views of the Abajo Mountains (Blue Mountains) tothe Northwest, the LaSal Mountains to the North, and distant Colorado MountainRanges to the East. Property elevation is 6970', with surrounding landprivately owned.
No waterrights are currently attached to the property but are availab...
No waterrights are currently attached to the property but are available for applicationthrough the Utah State Division of Water Rights.
Privately ownedparcels are adjacent.
The owner's Private-road provides access to the property.
Property is in theCPR Program for the last 10+ years providing yearly income. Set to expire at theend of 09/2020 is the current CRP. No farming or Cattle Grazing has beenallowed during the CRP Programs duration. Cattle grazed the property before theCRP Program started.
Perimeter hasBarbed-wire fencing. Stock-pond on Northeast corner.
Hunting: Game Management Unit is (San Juan,Abajo Mtns.) 14A Unit ID#546
Property is currently part of theSpring Creek Dodge CWMU. Mule Deer, Elk, Bear, Mtn. Lion, Coyote, etc. frequentthe area. The area mountains (LaSal Mountains & Abajo Mountains) are well knownfor quality hunting & fishing.
Fishing: Area Trout-fishingis good on Monticello & Foy Lakes in the Abajo Mountains. While Lake Powellis excellent for Striped-Bass, San Juan River is great for Channel-Catfish andCarp.
Other recreational opportunities:Moab and its many attractions are just an hour away. Newspaper Rock is a giantrock covered with Petroglyphs for viewing on your way to Needles District of CanyonlandsNational Park. View Church Rock from Utah Hwy #191. The Bears Ears National-Monument is outstanding for cultural, recreational, & natural resources.Famous for its rock art, Pueblo-Homes, San Juan River trail running, and rock-climbingareas. World travelers visit for camping, photography, and western times.
Schedule showing contact:
Kent "DUKE" Boyington 801-710-0623