Please note this property is unlikely to be buildable due to distance from electric and wetland near access. Also, the very northeast corner is 0.5 acres with a separate parcel identification number. It is landlocked.
This affordable 34+/- acre tract in central Juneau County sits a few miles north of Necedah along State Hwy 80 offering the opportunity to get away from the public crowds without breaking the bank. Currently, there is a small parking space off the highway that will accommodate one vehicle. Stretching from north to south along the highway are 6+/- acres of wetland with the remaining 28+/- acres being upland. The wetland is primarily a mix of alder, willow, aspen, and reed canary grasses. It is easily navigated with calf high rubber boots (or normal boots in dry conditions).
Access from the easterly side of the property should regularly be in your favor with westerly ...
Access from the easterly side of the property should regularly be in your favor with westerly winds. Two shallow ponds on the property provide edge and diversity. A timber harvest conducted approximately 15+/- years ago resulted in ample cover throughout while retaining plenty of trees to accommodate stands.
This parcel would be a great fit for an affordable starter property in today's market or to add an extra spot for your group to hunt in the area.
All buyer's must be accompanied by an agent. No trespassing.
Please contact listing agent Pat Guyse
From Necedah, north on State Hwy 80 2.5 miles, property on west side of road.