The Jones Farm North & Middle Tracts will be offered by lump sum sealed bid on Friday, April 24, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Bids may be submitted for either or both tracts.
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. has been authorized to manage the sale of two tracts of timberland containing 250 + 36 acres, more or less, in Hempstead County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Bids may be submitted for either or both tracts.
Location: Both the Jones Farm North Tract (Listing #4489) and the Jones Farm Middle Tract (Listing#4490) are located approximately three-and-one-half (3.5) miles east of Patmos and eleven (11) miles southeast of Hope. Both are professionally managed tree farms with electricity available at road right-of-way.
Jones Farm North Tract (#4489): SW of SW, Section 16; N of NW, N of SWof NW, Section 21; Part of NE of Section 20, Township 14 South, Range 23 West, containing a total of 250 ac...
Jones Farm North Tract (#4489): SW of SW, Section 16; N of NW, N of SWof NW, Section 21; Part of NE of Section 20, Township 14 South, Range 23 West, containing a total of 250 acres, more or less, Hempstead County, Arkansas. Access is excellent via gravel County Road 9. Timber consists of 131 acres of 2001 pine plantation (thinned in 2014), 67 acres of pine plantation established in 2002, and 47 acres of native pine / hardwood. Remaining acres are food plots/pond/roads. Site index for loblolly pine averages 86 feet (base age 50) on Kirvin fine sandy loam and Savannah fine sandy loam soils. Kingwood Forestry conducted a variable radius prism inventory of merchantable timber (one point / 4 acres) in October, 2014. Tree counts and volumes on 178 acres of merchantable timber are estimated as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 460 Trees; 20,717 BF; 219 Tons
Pine Chip n' Saw: 4,536 Trees; 86,275 BF; 832 Tons
Red Oak Sawtimber: 356 Trees; 42,793 BF; 339 Tons
White Oak Sawtimber: 445 Trees; 68,769 BF; 517 Tons
Gum & Misc. Sawtimber: 580 Trees; 80,590 BF; 627 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 23,839 Trees; 4,005 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 3,696 Trees; 1,152 Tons
Jones Farm Middle Tract (#4490): Part of W of NE, Section 20, Township 14 South, Range 23 West, containing 36 acres, more or less, Hempstead County, Arkansas. Access is excellent with gravel County Road 13 and paved Highway 355 frontage. 2001 pine plantation on 29 acres which was thinned in 2014. Remaining acres are roads/foodplots/pond. Site index for loblolly pine averages 86 feet (base age 50) on Kirvin fine sandy loam and Savannah fine sandy loam soils. Kingwood Forestry conducted a variable radius prism inventory of merchantable timber (one point / 4 acres) in October, 2014. Tree counts and volumes on 29 acres of merchantable timber are estimated as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 219 Trees; 8,412 BF; 90 Tons
Pine Chip n' Saw: 795 Trees; 19,876 BF; 216 tons
Pine Pulpwood: 4,506 Trees; 962 Tons
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards and scaling practices, tree counts and volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume tables are attached. NOTE: Additional timber volume tables (tree counts by species, diameter, and height) are available by request.
Method of Sale: The tracts will be sold on the basis of lump sum sealed bids. Bids may be submitted for either or both tracts. Mailed offers should be addressed to Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc., P.O. Box 65, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 with "Jones North/Middle Land Sale" clearly marked in the lower left corner of the envelope to protect security of the offer. An offer form is attached. Bids will be opened at the Kingwood Forestry Services office located at #4 Executive Circle, Arkadelphia, Arkansas at 3:00 P.M, Friday, April 24, 2015. On mailed offers please call our office prior to bid opening to confirm receipt of offer. Buyers submitting offers are welcome to attend the bid opening. Offers may be delivered by fax to 8702463341. All faxed offers will be immediately acknowledged. Please await confirmation that your faxed offer has been received. No verbal telephone offers will be accepted. Anyone submitting an offer for the purchase of the properties will be provided with a summary of bid results.