Legal Description: The Northwest Quarter, the North Half of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 12 North, Range 4 East of the 6th P.M. in Seward County, Nebraska.
Soils: Steinauer clay loam, with Hall and Hobbs silt loam in the bottoms. The farm ground has slopes up to 11%; the rest of the farm has slopes up to 30%. There is a high percentage of grass and hay acres that could be farmed.
Possession: Immediate possession.
Description: This is a good combination farm with some very nice bottom ground in crop production, pasture and hay ground and excellent hunting. Just 20 miles from downtown Lincoln, NE.
Rainfall: Average annual precipitation is around 25.
2017 Real Estate Taxes: $7,274.62.
Price: $1,120,000.00 or $4,000/ac.
From Bee, NE, go 2 miles east on Rock Creek Road, turn north at the dead end, go mile north on 224th, then east on Half Mile Road to the dead end. The farm is straight ahead and east of 210th. Bee is 5 miles north of Seward, NE and 2 miles east.