- Barndominium-
This new home is located near the northeast side of the ranch and is a 2 bedroom, 1 full bath "Barndominium", that is only a couple of years old. The living area is approximately 1,200 square feet and is accentuated with Saltillo tile flooring, granite countertops, tile shower, and furnished with nice furniture. This is a wonderful extra space and still smells new!
-Main Barn-
A newly constructed barn covering over 4,800 square feet (and incorporates the barndominium mentioned above), sits near the headquarters and is 60'x60' under roof and over slab plus an overhang lean-to for implement parking that is an additional 20'x60' in size. This barn is beautiful and built the right way! Big roll-up doors and also a nice ranch office with a full bathroom and shower located inside.
-Implement Barn-
The implement barn is next to the main barn and is 50 feet wide by 60 fe...
The implement barn is next to the main barn and is 50 feet wide by 60 feet long, has lights and electricity and a new roof and sides. A nice addition to the Boots Ranch
***At the headquarters are we find the 2 barns and barndominium, 1 excellent water well, and a very nice set of cattle working pens. This set of pens is completely galvanized in construction. All pastures on the ranch feed into this area for ease in handling livestock.
Recently all of the exterior and interior fences were replaced and new galvanized fencing installed! This is as good as it gets and should last many decades for the new owners. These new galvanized fences are not only functional but easy on the eyes as well.
Bird hunting around the lake and stock tanks for doves here can be extraordinary and similar to hunting in the Rio Grande Valley! A well renowned quail guide has brought a few clients to the ranch over the years to hunt that prime quail grounds and has had much success. A perfect mixture of grasses, light to moderate brush cover, water, results in the excellent quail habitat her.
Deer, turkey and hogs are plentiful and from time to time, a large buck is seen. There are a few food plots on the ranch with automatic corn feeders and hunting blinds. A 19 point buck was found dead on the ranch just 2 years ago!
-Water-There are 2 other big new stock tanks located throughout the ranch and can be supplemented with piped water. The water from the wells is high quality and good drinking water
A new water well was drilled recently near the headquarters and provides good drinking water to that area.
From Orange Grove- take HW 359 south to CR 220, turn west and travel approximately 4 miles to the ranch.
Located 35 minutes west of Calallen via FM 624 to Orange Grove then south on 359.
Also- only 2 hours from McAllen and the Rio Grande Valley via U.S. Highway 281