Jennings Bluff is a recreational and timber property located in Hamilton County, Florida, in the Upper Suwannee Valley. This property sits less than 500 yards from the Alapaha River. It is surrounded on two sides by Suwannee River Water Management District land that protects the river. The other two sides of the property border intensely managed agriculture fields. Between the conservation land and agriculture fields, this property acts as a corridor for wildlife. The conservation land surrounding the property protects wildlife on 500 acres. The natural timber on the property acts as bedding and feeding areas for deer and turkey.Both Tallahassee and Jacksonville sit precisely one hour and a half from Jennings Bluff. Valdosta, Georgia is less than 30 minutes north. Jennings Bluff is five minutes from I-75, making it easy to access from Atlanta or South Florida. The location of the proper...
Jennings Bluff is a recreational and timber property located in Hamilton County, Florida, in the Upper Suwannee Valley. This property sits less than 500 yards from the Alapaha River. It is surrounded on two sides by Suwannee River Water Management District land that protects the river. The other two sides of the property border intensely managed agriculture fields. Between the conservation land and agriculture fields, this property acts as a corridor for wildlife. The conservation land surrounding the property protects wildlife on 500 acres. The natural timber on the property acts as bedding and feeding areas for deer and turkey.Both Tallahassee and Jacksonville sit precisely one hour and a half from Jennings Bluff. Valdosta, Georgia is less than 30 minutes north. Jennings Bluff is five minutes from I-75, making it easy to access from Atlanta or South Florida. The location of the property makes it the perfect spot for a weekend getaway or hunting camp.Over half of Jennings Bluff is planted in pine trees with the opportunity for collection of annual straw revenue. The property sits on the north side of one of the strongest straw markets in the country. The abundance of pine straw provides an economical way to yield annual revenue with low costs. The pine stand is an estimated 14 years old. These trees are a few years shy of their first thinning but are almost the peak age for straw production. The timber market in the Suwannee Valley is arguably one of the strongest in the Southeast. Properties in this area sit within a 50 miles radius of over a dozen types of wood product mills.For a property under 200 acres, Jennings Bluff offers such strong diversity. A keen land steward can successfully excute both timber and wildlife management on Jennings Bluff.