Sutter Basin Rice & Row Crop Farm For Sale!
APN#: Sutter County Assessor Parcel Number: 25-200-022
Use: The property has historically grown both rice and row crops
Soils: The entire farm is comprised of primarily Class II & IV Soils. Please review the attached soils map for more information.
Water: The property is irrigated by Sutter Mutual Water Company. The water rates for the 2018 rate are as follows:
Assessments: Per Acre Foot:
$29.00 per Assessed Acre $21.00 Per Acre Foot
$36.00 per Irrigated Acre
Lease: The tenant on the subject property has drip tape in the ground and would like to farm for one more year. He plans on planting tomatoes. Lease terms to be negotiated with the tenant as part of the buyers due-diligence.
Oil, Gas, & Mineral Rights: The oil, gas, and mineral ...
Oil, Gas, & Mineral Rights: The oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by the seller are being reserved at the close of escrow
Taxes: The property is NOT enrolled in the Williamson Act. The property taxes will be approximately 1% of the sales price at the close of escrow.
Price: $1,926,720 or $12,000 per acre
Terms: Cash at the close of escrow
Comments: This is one of the best row crop/rice farms that has come available in the last several years in the Sutter Basin. Neighboring farms are growing alfalfa, tomatoes, rice, wheat, and sunflowers. Very few farms in the Sacramento Valley have the versatility to rotate between rice & row crops. Please call Charter Realty for more info!
Please Submit ALL OFFERS BY SEPTEMBER 15, 2018!!!
Location: From Highway 113 Go East on Subacco Road. Go 1.0 miles and the property is on the North side of the road.