137 Acres in Mccrory, AR - $900,000

Jackson Co. 137

This is a really cool smaller tract in a very attractive neighborhood. It's located just east of the Cache River where a lot of birds are killed and is a mix of farmland and timber. The farm is irrigated and has a history of rice and beans that is in a crop share agreement between the owner and farmer. A nice levee system with control structures allow you to hold water where you want it and that includes the timber. A couple of timber holes have been created and they can easily be planted for deer or ducks. Income, food, water and timber next to the Cache River. That's a pretty stout combination. Let me know if you want to talk about it.

Contact Seller
Habitat Land Company

Searcy, AR

(501) 299-5147

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Habitat Land Company, (501) 299-5147
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