The ROI for this property speaks for itself, you do not see many properties on the market these days with an ROI of 3.4% at asking price! The 155 tillable acres are rented out on a yearly basis at $170/acre which is an annual return of $26,350.00. The seller was also quoted $188.36/acre at 150.05 acres for CRP which is an annual return of $28,348.18 AND the seller would be willing to enroll this for any future buyer. (Call for more details). Do not overlook the hunting on this property as well, there is great connecting cover in the immediate area. Lots of deer and wild turkeys work this property. If you are not a hunter, there is always the possibility to lease out the hunting rights for more income production! If you are looking to diverse your investment portfolio, this is the perfect investment property with an outstanding ROI and lots of opportunities!