Location: Located along the banks of the Loup River, approximately 2 miles north of Comstock, or 8 miles southeast of Sargent, Nebraska. Access is provided by paved Comstock Road.
Description: N110 Rods S1/2; S1/2 NW1/4 Section 27; and Lots 1 and 4, plus railroad right-of-way, and Lot 5 and part of Lot 8 all in Section 28; T19N-R17W of the 6th P.M., Custer County, Nebraska.
Description: The Custer County Assessor indicates a total of 396.57 tax assessed acres. Farm consists of gravity irrigated cropland with sub-irrigated meadow, pasture, and Loup River accretion.
Farm Service
Agency Info: Total Cropland - 96.02 Acres. Government Base Acres - Corn, 78.1 acres w/PLC yield of 128 bu/acre. Soybeans, 3.9 acres w/PLC yield of 48 bu/acre. All cropland is considered non-highly erodible by the NRCS.
Information: Water for irrigation is provided by 98 acre...
Information: Water for irrigation is provided by 98 acres of surface water rights from the Middle Loup Public Power & Irrigation District. Farm is also located in the Lower Loup Natural Resource District, and has a total of 95.0 certified irrigated acres.
Water: Livestock water provided by a well equipped with a windmill.
Well Registration - G106580 Completion Date - 5/9/2000 at 8 gpm
Well Depth - 60 Static Water Level - 6 Pumping Level - 10
Column - 1
Soils: Cropland soils consist of Class I, II, and III, Cozad, Gibbon, and Boel silt and fine sandy loams, with slopes of 0-1%. Soils of the meadow and pasture consist of Ipage, and Boel loamy fine sands, along with Gannett and Loup loams, with slopes of 0-3%.
Taxes: 2020 Real Estate Taxes - $7,534.52
Information: Farm sells subject to a cash lease which terminates March 1, 2021. Contact Broker for lease information.
Price: $840,000.00
Comments: This is a well maintained property offering agricultural value, along with recreational amenity as the property contains over 3/4 of a mile of Loup River frontage, with accretion lands being home to numerous wildlife and offering opportunity to hunt water fowl, upland game, and deer.