Deep in the picturesque Ozark Hills of Southern Missouri, among tall sandstone and dolomite bluffs, lies a world class floating and fishing destination, the Eleven Point River. At its upper reaches near Thomasville, Missouri, it is barely more than a small stream, but as it flows southeast, it grows considerably in size as it cuts its way through the sloping forested valleys and past one of Missouri's largest springs. Aged sycamores stretch their branches out across the river from its banks as The Eleven Point's cool milky blue waters flow leisurely south, eventually passing by one of the few outfitters along its wild banks, Hufstedler's Canoe Rental and Campground. Situated just 13 miles from Alton, Hufstedler's boasts an unbeatable location, as well as an unbeatable client base. As previously mentioned, this is one of only three outfitters on the Eleven Point River, and with over 100 c...
Deep in the picturesque Ozark Hills of Southern Missouri, among tall sandstone and dolomite bluffs, lies a world class floating and fishing destination, the Eleven Point River. At its upper reaches near Thomasville, Missouri, it is barely more than a small stream, but as it flows southeast, it grows considerably in size as it cuts its way through the sloping forested valleys and past one of Missouri's largest springs. Aged sycamores stretch their branches out across the river from its banks as The Eleven Point's cool milky blue waters flow leisurely south, eventually passing by one of the few outfitters along its wild banks, Hufstedler's Canoe Rental and Campground. Situated just 13 miles from Alton, Hufstedler's boasts an unbeatable location, as well as an unbeatable client base. As previously mentioned, this is one of only three outfitters on the Eleven Point River, and with over 100 canoes, 70 kayaks, numerous tubes and rafts, as well as John boats, Hufstedler's is home to the largest inventory out of them all. Several cabins and houses play host to hundreds of visitors throughout the year, in addition to RV sites, and primitive camp sites. Campers can come for several days and enjoy the cool waters of the Eleven Point with the convenience of staying right next to the river. Busses and vans shuttle campers and canoer's to and from the river, supplying all of the gear necessary for a successful float. Of coarse with all of these customers you're going to need a store big enough to service them all. Hufstedler's boasts a 3000 Sq ft store where you can go in and book campsites and floats, and also pick up a few forgotten essentials. Another notable feature of the property is the newly updated shower house and restrooms. Hufstedler's is a turn key, fully operational outfitter on one of the most wild, beautiful, and secluded rivers that Missouri has to offer, with all of the tools to be successful from the start.