LOCATION: The property is located at 7277 Oat Hills Road in Browns Valley, CA 95918. It's only a 30-minute drive from Yuba City.
APNS: 044-310-014 & 044-310-015
WATER: The property has a well, 2 year around streams, and access to water from both Browns Valley Irrigation and Yuba County Water Agency.
Two Parcels
100.75 Accessed Acres
1404 sq.ft House
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Large Porch
1200 sq.ft Well Built Shop with Power
COMMENTS: This property has great potential to be your new homestead and it's perfect for raising farm animals. Water will never be a problem with these parcels having a well, two streams, and being located in two water districts. The cute house, large shop, and lots of land is a great combo for any family. The seller has agreed to remove all loose items in the house and yard at the close of escrow. Contact us to learn how you can become the owner...
COMMENTS: This property has great potential to be your new homestead and it's perfect for raising farm animals. Water will never be a problem with these parcels having a well, two streams, and being located in two water districts. The cute house, large shop, and lots of land is a great combo for any family. The seller has agreed to remove all loose items in the house and yard at the close of escrow. Contact us to learn how you can become the owner of this amazing ranch!