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109 Acres in Montezuma, GA - $354,250

Hog Crawl Creek Farm

This property is situated on Hog Crawl Creek in the Flint River Corridor of Macon County Georgia. Macon County has long been known for producing some of the biggest bucks in the state and is a quality deer managed county. Planted pine timber on this property is ready for a second thinning for immediate return, and will only improve the bedding, fawning, and nesting areas. The hardwoods on both sides of the creek are untouched. Hog Crawl Creek is a major tributary and the bucks frequently travel this creek during the rut in search of does. On one visit to the property 6 longboard turkeys were seen in one plot. Several food plots are in place and wet weather duck pond. I should mention ducks have been seen using duck pond on several recent visits to the property. Secluded by virtue of a deeded easement into property. Call broker Josh Pfeiffer at 478-258-4255 for a showing.


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Southern Rivers Properties, Inc

Perry, GA

(229) 280-3330

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Southern Rivers Properties, Inc, (229) 280-3330
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