DESCRIPTION: Offered for sale is this well located excellent pivot irrigated/dryland farm in central Harlan County just three miles north of Orleans, Nebraska. The County Assessor has a total of 133.00 acres of dryland cropland, 108.00 acres of irrigated cropland, 34.00 acres of grass and 8.00 acres of roads, trees and waste. There is a total of 283.00 assessed acres. All of the center pivot equipment and power units are owned by the tenant and all of the underground pipe/wiring is owned by the landowner. The cropland soils are primarily made up of Holdrege silt loam soils. The balance of the soils is comprised of Uly and Coly silt loam soils. Most of the cropland has a 1 to 3 percent slope. The properties are adjacent to a well maintained gravel road.
LOCATION: The subject property is located in the central area of Harlan County just three miles north of Orleans on I Road. The prop...
LOCATION: The subject property is located in the central area of Harlan County just three miles north of Orleans on I Road. The property is split by Road 714 and Iris Road.
LEGAL: The Southwest Quarter (SW4) and part of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty-Four (34), Township Three (3) North, Range Nineteen (19) all West of the 6th P.M. in Harlan County, Nebraska.
Well #G-028921 - Completion Date: 1/23/1968
GPM: 750, Pump Depth: 143 ft., Well Depth: 217 ft.
All the center pivot equipment and power unit are owned by the tenant. All the underground pipe/wiring is owned by the Seller.
MINERAL RIGHTS: Full mineral rights sell with the property.
LEASE TERMS: 2019 leasehold estate with the current tenant; full possession for the 2020 crop year.
2018 TAXES:
Real Estate Taxes - $8,845.36
Occupation Taxes - $867.20
SALE TERMS: An earnest deposit and closing date is negotiable with the sellers acceptance of a written Purchase Agreement.