Location: 2 miles north and 1/2 mile west of Minden. (Farm located on the corner of O Road and 31 Road)
Description: S1/2 NW1/4; SW1/4; and W1/2 SE1/4 Section 25-T7N-R15W of the 6th P.M., Kearney County, Nebraska.
Description: Kearney County Assessor indicates a total of 316.94 tax assessed acres. Farm consists of good quality pivot and gravity irrigated cropland with grassland, that is enrolled into the Government Wetlands Program.
Farm Service Agency
Information: Total effective cropland - 260.83 acres
Government Base Acres: Corn - 251.1 acres with PLC yield of 184 bu/acre
All cropland is considered non-highly erodible by the NRCS.
Real Estate
Taxes: 2020 Real Estate Taxes - $15,073.02
List Price: $2,250,000.00
Comments: This is a good quality pivot and gravity irrigated farm, which also offers recreational amenity.
Information: Irrigati...
Information: Irrigation water is provided by 220 acres of surface water rights from Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District, along with an irrigation well. A canal irr. turnout is located along the west, and a canal pump site is located in the northeast.
Irrigation Well
Information: Well Registration #G132581 Completion Date 12/17/2004 at 1,200 gpm
Well Depth - 180 feet Static Water Level - 50 feet
Pumping Level - 70 feet Column - 8.63 inches
Pump - Mid-America Power Unit - US 60 hp electric motor
2009 T & L 7 tower pivot
2003 T & L 6 tower pivot
Northeast Canal Pump Site - Berkley Centrifugal Pump powered by a 25 hp electric motor. Water from the pump site is delivered via underground pipe to the 6 tower pivot, and also utilized for gravity irrigation.
Farm is located in the Tri-Basin Natural Resource District and includes a total of 260.7 certified irrigated acres.
Soils: Cropland soils consist primarily of Class I and II Holdrege silt loams, with slopes of 0-3%.
Wetland Reserve
Program: A total of 50.18 acres is enrolled in the Wetlands Reserve Program, whereby 29.97 acres is located along the north, and 20.21 acres is located in the southeast. These areas have haying and grazing capability, promote good drainage of the cropland, and provide excellent habitat to wildlife, which adds recreational amenity. (i.e., hunting)