This tract is ideal for timber investment and hunting. It's conveniently located 35 minutes from Mobile and 15 minutes from Citronelle between Celeste Road and Highway 45 off of Old Gulfcrest Road, and power is present nearby. Hunt deer, turkey, quail, doves, or ducks on the established food plots, in the hardwood bottoms, or in the 10 acre natural lake. The site appears to support wet weather logging, and the professionally managed timber consists of 60+/- acres of 2016 Longleaf Pine Plantation, 63+/- acres of 2015 Longleaf Pine Plantation, and 49+/- acres of Hardwood. There's a large potential fishing lake site near the center of the property and multiple areas that would make scenic camp sites. Longleaf tracts of this quality are not available in this area very often. Call Clint Flowers, ALC at 855.NLR.LAND for more information.
From Exit 15 on I-65 (Celeste Road), follow Celeste Road north for 17.9 miles and turn left onto Old Citronelle Hwy. In 2 miles, turn left onto Old Gulfcrest Road and follow for 0.6 miles to locked gate on your left. The property is 0.8 miles down an improved woods road from this gate. AGENT MUST BE PRESENT TO SHOW.