Escape. Escape the madness of the city dwellers. Escape the traffic, the pollution, noise, garbage and violence. Trade that in for 73 acres of clean air and fresh water. 73 acres of rolling hills and creek bottoms. 73 acres of dark starlit nights and bright sunny days. 73 acres with roads and trails ready for your hiking boots, horse or 4 wheeler. 73 acres where you can camp, hunt, fish, live and survive wild and free. Build a cabin, build a home, build a farm, build a future. Fish in your own pond, stocked and managed for an abundance of freshwater delicacies. Lil' Sugar Lake adjoins the property with open water awaiting your canoe. Hunt on your own land, deer, bear, turkey and small game abound. Create a productive and sustainable farm. The timber is reserved on this property, so there will be plenty of area to clear and develop into pasture and cropland. Yes, timber will be cut but be...
Escape. Escape the madness of the city dwellers. Escape the traffic, the pollution, noise, garbage and violence. Trade that in for 73 acres of clean air and fresh water. 73 acres of rolling hills and creek bottoms. 73 acres of dark starlit nights and bright sunny days. 73 acres with roads and trails ready for your hiking boots, horse or 4 wheeler. 73 acres where you can camp, hunt, fish, live and survive wild and free. Build a cabin, build a home, build a farm, build a future. Fish in your own pond, stocked and managed for an abundance of freshwater delicacies. Lil' Sugar Lake adjoins the property with open water awaiting your canoe. Hunt on your own land, deer, bear, turkey and small game abound. Create a productive and sustainable farm. The timber is reserved on this property, so there will be plenty of area to clear and develop into pasture and cropland. Yes, timber will be cut but best management practices are assured and riparian areas are conserved. This area of Virginia has nearly a year round growing season. Put up a greenhouse and produce food 12 months of the year! Two existing fields are perfect for wildlife or the beginnings of your farm and garden. Owner/Agent.
From Crewe, take 49 South towards Victoria, one mile past Nottaway Falls Lake Park take right at 3505 Falls Rd., go to left through gate and to left.