Garcitas Creek Ranch is a great hunting ranch less than two hours from Houston. It is covered in huge live oaks with thick brush and split down the middle by Garcitas Creek. The ranch is loaded with white-tailed deer, turkeys, hogs and great dove hunting can be found on the ranch. There are no improvements on the property but it has plenty of road frontage to create a real show place and is surrounded by large ranches.
The property lies eight miles north of Victoria on Nursery Road. The ranch has over 5,000 of frontage on this paved road.
Garcitas Creek Ranch is primarily covered in old-growth oaks with heavy underbrush of yaupon. Large live oaks dominate the fauna, which are substantial, beautiful live oaks. There are also huge water oaks and some elms and hackberries. Soils are mixed, with a sandy loam along the creek bottoms and more mixed sa...
Garcitas Creek Ranch is primarily covered in old-growth oaks with heavy underbrush of yaupon. Large live oaks dominate the fauna, which are substantial, beautiful live oaks. There are also huge water oaks and some elms and hackberries. Soils are mixed, with a sandy loam along the creek bottoms and more mixed sandy and gravelly sandy soils in the uplands.
Rolling hills rise from the creek bottom on the ranch and there is over 50 of relief on the property. The creek makes this a well-drained property, and there are several smaller creeks that also run through the property.
Open areas mostly have a mix of improved grasses (coastal) and native grasses.
This ranch has ideal habitat for white-tailed deer, turkeys, and hogs. There is plenty of thick underbrush, creating great cover and loafing areas. Mature live oaks provide both food for the game and great roosting areas for the turkeys.
The area has good dove populations, and this ranch is close enough to civilization that white-wing dove are frequently seen on the ranch. Uniquely, there is still a good-standing population of bob-white quail on the ranch.
Neighboring ranches have created lakes and wetland units and the area is known for having good waterfowl hunting for those that create the habitat.
There are no vertical improvements on the ranch. Plenty of roads have been built throughout the ranch, giving it great access. The boundary fence is five strand and is mostly in excellent condition. Several areas have good gravel foundations and are substantial enough for improving roads on the ranch without having to bring in outside gravel sources.
At the front of the ranch where the water well is, there is a small trap for collecting livestock.
Surface water on this ranch is currently limited to Garcitas Creek which holds water much of the year, although it is primarily a wet-weather creek. Several smaller side creeks also tend to hold water in areas year-round. The area has a good clay base below the sand and sandy-loam soils which would allow for some great ponds and lakes to be developed on the property.
There is only one water well on the ranch (windmill). This area is known for its great groundwater, and 100 gpm is easily obtained by going down to less than 200, while larger volume wells in the area can be drilled to produce more than 400 gpm by going down deeper. The Guadalupe Blanco River Authority is the local water district here.
No minerals are available with this ranch. There is no production on the ranch.
This ranch has been in the same family since the 19th century.
Republic Ranches has also listed the Nursery Road Ranch across the street from this ranch.