DESCRIPTION: 49 acre cultivated farm land in East Bell County.
LOCATION: Located on the South side of Little Flock Road between Temple & Zabcikville. Regionally located between Temple and College Station. Part of the Central Blackland Prairie Region of Texas.
LAND COVER: Open land, entirely tilled/cultivated.
IMPROVEMENTS: There is a small wood frame barn/shed on the property. There is an old water well on the property.
HYDROLOGY: Does NOT appear to be located within the 100-year FEMA flood zone.
TOPOGRAPHY: Mostly Flat, with a gentle slop towards the West of the property. 10' of Elevation Changes from 500' to 490' above Sea Level.
SOILS: Branyon Clay Soil with an average capability rating of 2.
UTILITIES: Oncor Overhead Single Phase Electric on-site. 2.5 East Bell water line to the South of property.
ROAD FRONTAGE: 3,227 of County Maintained Gravel Road Frontage ...
ROAD FRONTAGE: 3,227 of County Maintained Gravel Road Frontage along Little Flock Road. Easy Access back to TX Hwy 53.
TAX: Agricultural Exemption in Place for Low Taxes. $195.78 in 2024 Property Taxes.
COMMENTS: Shown by appointment only. Do NOT drive over farm land. Land is leased for farming and is under a share crop agreement. No known restrictions. Neighboring house has easements to driveway and water well.
PRICE: $588,000. ($12,000/acre).
From Hwy 53 turn North onto Little Flock Road. Property on the left at sign.