The freeman pasture is located in the south central portion of Knox County TX near the town of Knox City. This property is comprised of 320 acres with native pastures of improved grass, a 1/2 mile of wild horse creek running through the property, 40 acres of irrigated Bermuda grass & some Dryland cultivation.
The native pastures on this property have been mainly used for grazing cow/calf pairs but could also be used for gain cattle or a pasture for calving heifers. The owners have had up to 72 pairs of cows & calves on this property at times. ( due to the dry weather pattern we are in they have around 40 hd currently)
There are roughly 28 acres that have been grubbed to improve the native grasses on the property.
Grasses include, viney mesquite, little bluestem, side oats grama, Hairy grama, Indian grass, coastal grass, Tifton 85 Bermuda and tabosa grass. Winter grass...
Grasses include, viney mesquite, little bluestem, side oats grama, Hairy grama, Indian grass, coastal grass, Tifton 85 Bermuda and tabosa grass. Winter grasses include; Rescue grass, texas winter grass & Canadian rye.
The native trees and Shrubs you can see in the pastures are Bull mesquites, Soap berry trees, Hackberry trees, Lote bush and a few willow trees along the creek.
The owners have been able to harvest some nice whitetail off the property over the years as well as wild hogs and the occasional varmints.
This property has great dove hunting and the waterfowl hunting can be good off the tanks on this property as well.
This property has a good amount of surface water with two tanks on the property and a small spring that keeps a few pools of water in the Creek.
(One of the tanks was cleaned out a few years ago and holds water year round)
Wild Horse creek is a tributary that starts in Haskell County and meanders through Knox County eventually feeding into the Brazos River. Wild horse creek in Knox County has a few springs that generally keep water year round. This property has a seasonal spring on it that feeds a small pool of water in the fall and winter when most of the summer irrigation is not running.
There are 4 water wells in total that are used, three are tied into the pivot and one is used for irrigating 20 acres of grass with pods.
The freeman farm has 40 acres of Coastal Bermuda Grass that is currently irrigated on the farm. 20 acres lies under the 1/2 of the 4 tower pivot and the remaining 11 & 9 acres pastures are irrigated with pod sprinklers.
The farm has a total of 60 acres that is irrigated.
There is also 150 acres of Dryland cultivation on the farm that has primarily grown winter wheat or hay grazer.
This Property has 5 strand barb wire fences around the entire perimeter that are in good condition.
A good set of pens that can be used for sorting or working calves, a load out chute, squeeze chute and water troughs inside these pens.
The Zimmatic pivot on this farm is a 4 tower that is nozzled at (250gpm).
There is also a Covered Hay/equipement barn.
Minerals are negotiable with an acceptable offer.
At the time of this writing there are currently no producing wells on the property but two older locations are on the Rail road commissions list to be plugged. (The completion date for plugging is unknown).
The current wheat crop is not the sellers crop, so it will not be conveyed with the sale.
Equipment & Livestock:
The seller's have a good amount of equipment (around $125K) that is available to convey with an acceptable offer.
There are 40 cow/calf pairs on the property and one bull that could also convey with an acceptable offer.
Equipment list is available upon request.
Per the seller, this property has a good amount of irrigation water to keep up with the grass or other crops during dry and hot weather patterns. This would be a great property to put back into a native grass blend, Coastal Bermuda Grass or B-Dahl Grass and use it as a cow/calf place or for weaning and feeding out calves in the spring and summer or Plant it all in wheat for fall and winter grazing.
You could also plant cotton and rotate with Dryland and some irrigated crops.
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For more information please Contact:
Travis Hawkins
Please contact agent for all showings... Do not trespass!