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Size: 107.44 Acres
Type: Farms

107.44 Acres in Rockford, IA - $940,422

Floyd Co., IA - 107.44 Ac., m/l (020-0525-12)

107.44 acres, m/l, located 4 miles southwest of Rockford, Iowa on the east side of Zinnia Ave. / Co. Rd. S70

This farm has 54.93 FSA/Eff. crop acres with a CSR2 of 80.50. This farm has great fertility due to a long history of swine manure application. There are also 6.10 acres enrolled in a CP-21 CRP contract that pays $1,395.00 annually- and expires on 9/30/27.

This property offers a great mixture of farmland, established timber and income producing CRP.
