FIRST TIME ON MARKET WITH 4 BEDROOMS AND 3.5 BATHS!!! -- 5.4 acres to have your privacy, beautiful pond to sit back in your chair on the pier and fish while letting the world go by-pasture land in the back so you can see only nature--huge master bath &walkin closet-additional walkin closet in bedroom #3 w/hardwood--bedrooms #2 on main level has one wall with stained poplar - looks really good-custom oak cab.,quartz kitc.counters-w/ssteel appl.,all stay inc. wash/dry-tile flrs in-kitch/dining/bath/utility--,hardwood oak,hallway,master bdrm-attach.2 car garage - detach/workshop 30X36w/16X18 side shed, detach 16X18 bldg, 2017 c/h/a,stocked pond,landscaped,covered back deck, concrete drive, beautiful grounds , and inviting pond. All measurements estimated
From Hwy. 69A &Big Sandy Main St.(R)Hwy. 69A approx. 3 miles to property on left