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20 Acres in Idaho City, ID - $3,500

Financing 20 acres Idaho Famous Trout River Gold&Gem Mining Claim



This is a legally registered, 20 acre gold and gem Mining Claim for sale, the Crooked River Gold #5, with the Crooked River running thru the whole claim for over 660 feet.

Camp in an open meadow area by the river on the claim.

The Crooked River is a famous trout fishing river and runs thru this claim.

Located in a beautiful pine forest

This area has the feel of the Old West where the Cowboy Culture still lives on.

See further down the listing the Buying Process, my owner financing, and how to purchase this claim.

See with the pictures maps and satellite views.

Click on the top listing picture then arrow right to see all.

Gold prices have reached an all time high of over $2000 per ounce.

It is a good sign that other experienced prospectors have claims in this area and have been working them for years.

The claim is locate...

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Driving Directions:

28.8 miles NE of the town of Idaho City.

Take ID-21 North out of Idaho City; this road is also known as Ponderosa Pine Scenic Route.

Take a right/East that quickly loops South then East on National Forest Road 362,

Then take a right/East that quickly loops South then East on Little Beaver Creek Road,

To a right/South on National Forest Road 312 and a quick right/East onto NR Road 384, also known as Little Owl Creek Road where the Crooked River is on your right,

Then the road becomes Crooked River Road, the claim road,

Then follow GPS coordinates below to the claim.

You will go past the Willow Creek Campground before the claim.

GPS Coordinates:

Crooked River Gold #5

NW 43.9958, -115.4785

NE 43.9958, -115.4731

SW 43.9939, -115.4785

SE 43.9939, -115.4731

Contact Seller
Gold & Gem Mining Claims 4 Sale

Mentor, OH

(440) 225-5991

Provided By

Gold & Gem Mining Claims 4 Sale, (440) 225-5991
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