Owner Financing Available. No Credit Checks. Ten Acres for $59,995 - $1,995 Down and $489 Monthly.
Fields of McAlpin is located in McAlpin, Florida. McAlpin is located southwest of the Interstate 75 and 10 intersection. This makes for an easy commute to Gainesville, Jacksonville, or Valdosta. Here you would be living in the lowest wind zone rating area in Florida reducing your risk from hurricanes, plus home construction cost and insurance costs.
The town of Live Oak is located 13 miles north of Fields of McAlpin. In Live Oak you will find Publix, Winn Dixie, Super Wal-Mart, Lowes, hospital, schools, and much more.
The large town of Lake City is located 22 miles east of Fields of McAlpin. In Lake City you would find 3 hospitals, Lowes, Home Depot, Lake City Mall, Florida Gateway College, and much more.
Ten miles west of the property is Royal Springs on the Suwannee River...
Ten miles west of the property is Royal Springs on the Suwannee River. Here you will find a free 10 acre county park on the banks of the Suwannee River. There are picnic tables and grills. A diving platform to dive into Royal Spring and a paved boat ramp providing access to the Suwannee River.
We originally sold Fields of McAlpin about 15 years ago. There are 75 ten acre estates at Fields of McAlpin and many families already call their property home. Sometimes our financing does not work out and we get lots back. That is the case with the properties that we have available now.
There are many types of properties to choose from. Some are mostly cleared, others are lightly wooded, and a few are heavily wooded. The properties are located on a dirt road. Electricity is available to the front of each lot at no cost to the buyer. There is no requirement or timetable to build. However when you decide to build it must be 1,000 square feet or larger. Modular homes and mobile homes are allowed providing they meet the minimum square footage and are 8 years of age or newer when initially placed on the land. Farm animals are permitted with the exception of pigs. Camping is permitted on a limited basis.