This tract will be approximately 138 acres with 127 acres of farmland and the balance in Owl Creek and roads.
The farm has cement ditch and gated pipe. The farm will raise all valley crops and is a very productive farm. The Soils are primarily Mitchell Silt Loam 0 to 1 % slope (48.3%) and Otero-Bayard fine sandy loam. Historically, a very good Farm!
This farm would be the land south of Owl Creek and the west half of Owl Creek. The live water would be an asset for wintering Livestock. Plan now to look at this good farm!
Legal Description: NE 1/4 and Pt of the SE1/4 all in Section 12, Township 22N, Range 58 West of the 6th. P.M. Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska. Exact Legal determined by Title Ins. (Acreage Not Included has been Surveyed)
Farm Service Agency Info: Corn Base: 60.3 acres. FSA Yield: 154 bushels. 125.81 Crop land.136.48 Farm Land.
Water rights: 131.9 acres under Gering Fort ...
Water rights: 131.9 acres under Gering Fort Laramie Irrigation District. 2018 O & M - $4,121.88 (2018)
Real Estate Taxes: $5,405.66 (2017) Based on 138.12 Taxed Acres
Located: 2 miles east of Lyman Nebraska on Lyman East Road then 1 south to north east corner of property. Note: The Land borders County Road H mile west of County Road 5.