It isnt too often that a property of this size comes up for sale. This farm is not only a large contiguous property, but it is a great income producer along with benefiting from reduced property taxes. As you travel the gravel roads of Elnora in the Spring, you will find farmers working hard on their tractors to get their crop in the ground and in the Fall you will see them reaping the rewards with combines as they load up the grain truck before it heads to the grain bin. Now, that could be you if you so desire. This property features around 230 +/- acres of tillable ground that is currently being cash rented out providing an annual income of nearly $31,000.00. The soils on this ground are above county average on soil fertility with the primary soil types of Haymod Silt Loam, Ayrshire Fine Sandy Loam, Zipp Silty Clay Loam and Nolan Silty Clay Loam. For both soybeans and corn, this proper...
It isnt too often that a property of this size comes up for sale. This farm is not only a large contiguous property, but it is a great income producer along with benefiting from reduced property taxes. As you travel the gravel roads of Elnora in the Spring, you will find farmers working hard on their tractors to get their crop in the ground and in the Fall you will see them reaping the rewards with combines as they load up the grain truck before it heads to the grain bin. Now, that could be you if you so desire. This property features around 230 +/- acres of tillable ground that is currently being cash rented out providing an annual income of nearly $31,000.00. The soils on this ground are above county average on soil fertility with the primary soil types of Haymod Silt Loam, Ayrshire Fine Sandy Loam, Zipp Silty Clay Loam and Nolan Silty Clay Loam. For both soybeans and corn, this property is a producer.
Adjacent to the crop field sits 52 +/- acres of woods that that is comprised of various hardwoods with some marketable timber for additional return on your investment. Just imagine yourself sitting in a tree stand on the edge of the field with your favorite rifle or bow in hand on a cool morning in November just after the farmer has harvested the fields. You watch all the does and young bucks slip out into the open until you finally see that wary ol buck appear out of the timber. At that moment you realize all the hard work and time was worth it.
Another great feature of this property is that it provides 93 +/- acres of the Wetland Reserve Program. Commonly referred to as WRP. This portion of the property provides a fantastic habitat for waterfowl along with deer and turkey. Another interesting feature is that the White River changed its course and split the WRP into two distinct areas providing an even higher level of quality waterfowl hunting and even fishing! Not only is the WRP area great for recreation but it contributes to the affordability of this property by offering greatly reduced property taxes in this program. If you are ready to invest in a truly one of a kind property, please do yourself a favor and give Caleb a call to schedule your very own private showing. Showings are by appointment only with a 48 hr advanced notice. Its More Than Just Dirt, Its a Lifestyle.
Property Features
-Income-producing with $31,000 in annual cash rent!
-231 +/- tillable acres
-52 +/- wooded acres
-93 +/- Wetland Reserve Program acres
-Diverse hunting
-Some marketable timber
-Reduced property taxes in the WRP program
-1 hr 45 min to downtown Indianapolis
-2 hrs 10 min to downtown Louisville