The Evergreen Ridge Tract at 80 acres, is another superior, investment grade, timberland property. If you are in the market for land, this property deserves your consideration.
The majority of the property (80%) is currently planted in twenty-one year old, 2nd generation loblolly pine. This stand was first thinned in 2009 and has matured into a gorgeous stand of chip-n-saw sized timber.
The savvy investor will realize that a second thinning is just a year away and the large pay-day (final harvest) is just 10 years away. There are very few properties currently on the market that offer this near term payout potential.
Hunters will be able to utilize the old loading decks for food plots or the pipeline crossing the north portion of the property. There is also a stand of Oaks along the stream on the east side of the property.
View the information below to learn more about this pro...
View the information below to learn more about this property.
Just the Facts:
Sales Price: $260,000
Tract Acreage: Deeded 80 ac, Mapped 81.4 ac, Taxed 79 ac.
Tract Location-
Legal: SW4 NW4; N2 NW4 SW4; W2 NE4 SW4; S34, T8N, R10E, Lawrence County, MS
Address: 115 Rankin Rd, Sontag, MS 39655
Lat: 31.617214 N
Long: -90.189592 W
Paved Road Frontage: 325 on Rankin Road
Interior Roads: 945 Dirt/Gravel
Water: None
Electric: Southern Pine EPA
Topography: Rolling Hills
Zoning: Rural, Timberland
Ad Valorem Taxes: 2016 - $284.08
FEMA Flood Zone: No areas lie within flood zone A, the 100 year flood zone. MAP # 2802720075B
History: Timberland
Mineral Rights: Any owned
Streams: Intermittent Stream, 1172
Soils: Symbol, Name, % Area, Lob. Site Index
CFE, Cadeville-Freeestone,hilly, 34.4%, 85
CgC, Cadeville & Falkner 4-8%, 35.7%, 83
CgD, Cadeville & Falkner 8-12%, 1.2%, 83
PrC, Providence Silt Loam 5-8%, 28.7%, 87
Estimated Driving Times to Tract:
New Orleans: 150 mi, 2hr 22 min
Baton Rouge: 138mi, 2hr 14 min
Jackson: 63 mi, 1hr 9 min
Hattiesburg: 71 mi, 1hr 19min
Species Available for Hunting:
White-tailed Deer Wild Turkey
Squirrel Rabbit
Medium of Exchange: Cash and occupancy on closing.
Owner Financing Available? No
Sub-dividable?: No, Sold in its entirety.
Timber: Stand#(Symbol)-Type-Acres-Age
1 (PI3)-Pine Intermediate High Density-45.7 ac-21yrs (1996)
2 (PP2)-Pine Pulpwood Med. Density-17.9 ac.-21yrs (1996)
3 (HP2)-Hardwood Pulpwood Med. Density-4.8 ac. -21yrs
4 (MS2)-Mixed Sawtimber Med. Density-4.9ac -52 yrs
5 (PS3)-Pine Sawtimber High Density-1.7ac -52 yrs
6 (MI2)-Mixed Intermediate Med. Density-4.4 ac -21yrs
7 (OR0)-Open-1.9ac -0yr
3/27/2017 Timber Cruise Volumes & Value
Pine Pulpwood 2,028 tons $10/tn $20,280
Pine Chip-N-Saw 3,060 tons $16/tn $48,960
Pine Sawtimber 511 tons $28/tn $14,308
Hardwood Pulp 886 tons $5/tn $ 4,430
Hardwood Pallet 61 tons $21/tn $ 1,281
Gum Saw 36 tons $35/tn $ 1,260
White Oak Saw 38 tons $35/tn $ 1,330
Water Oak Saw 56 tons $35/tn $ 1,960
Total 6,676 tons $93,809
From Hwy 27/ Hwy 84 interchange, drive North on Hwy 27 for 0.4 miles to Nola Road. Turn NW () on Nola Rd. and go 4.1 miles to Rankin Road. Turn NW () on Rankin Road and go 0.8 miles to gate on N () side of road.