Location 3351 FM 1189 between Morgan Mill, Lipan and with an address of Bluff Dale. This location is approximately an hour from Fort Worth, 40 minutes south of Weatherford and I-20, 30 minutes west of Granbury and 20 minutes north of Stephenville. In the area you will find area churches and schools, convenience stores, banks, and several service businesses. There is also the... more Bluff Dale Winery, Wilfongs Cajun Cafe, Lets Eat 5 star diner, the Star Hollow Golf Course and many other exciting places within easy driving distances! The best grocery stores are in Granbury with a new HEB and Kroger, Brookshires and Wal-Mart among many others!
Terrain The elevations on the ranch offer many beautiful home sites and create a lot of interest in the topography of the ranch. Hilly would be the best description..with seasonal creeks in the draws or valleys of the hills.
Vegetation Beau...
Vegetation Beautiful native grasses, lovely Live Oak motts, Juniper, Mesquite, Pecans trees in the bottoms, Elms, Hackberry. There are several fields of improved grasses and great food plots for the wildlife.
Water There are two good stock tanks. The seasonal creeks will run during heavy rainfall periods and holes of water will stand for a while but the summer months the creeks will be dry.
Utilities Electricity runs just south of the boundary on this parcel of land. There is no water well.
Minerals Seller desires to retain minerals. There is one pooled unit on the ranch consisting of 15+/- acres held by lease on that small portion only. 2 pipeline easements. Very clean.
Wildlife Whitetail deer, mourning dove, rabbits, hogs, fox, coyote, wild turkey, fishing in tanks
Comments This ranch has gorgeous views and exciting terrain with numerous beautiful building sites! It is also prime for development into smaller parcels!
Price $3500 per acre ($1,093,015.00)
Coming from I-20, Hwy 281 South, at Morgan Mill turn left on FM 1189 and go approx. 5 miles, signs on left. There is also a sign on Hwy 281 entrance but the road has not been developed.