Beautiful small residential lot in Elmira Township, Michigan
Quiet, pleasant rural area with lots of natural surroundings
Elmira Township is a civil township of Otsego County in the state of Michigan
It has a population of approximately 1,600 people & a total area of 36.2 square miles
Elmira has places to eat, a country club, and is close to the popular Northern Michigan Speedway
New pictures and videos filmed 12/13/2021
Otsego County is part of Northern Michigan and has more than 370 lakes
Otsego Lake is the countys largest and has a surface area of 1,972 acres
Other large lakes in the southern part of the county include Big Lake, Big Bear Lake, Buhl Lake, Crapo Lake, Dixon Lake, Douglas Lake, Guthrie Lake, Heart Lake, Lake Tecon, Manuka Lake, Opal Lake, Pencil Lake, and Turtle Lake
The larger lakes in the northern part of the county are Five Lakes, Hardwood Lake, Lake Twenty S...
The larger lakes in the northern part of the county are Five Lakes, Hardwood Lake, Lake Twenty Seven, and Pickerel Lake
Most of these are so-called kettle lakes were formed by the melting glaciers
Headwaters of the Au Sable, Black, Manistee, Pigeon, and Sturgeon Rivers are in Otsego County
The Au Sable River watershed is the countys largest watershed
This area is filled with jack pine barrens, white pine-red pine forest, and northern hardwood forest
Close to the Gaylord State Forest Area
Nearby Gaylord is the county seat and provides anything that you would want or need
Gaylord has a Walmart Supercenter, airport, grocery stores, restaurants, movie theaters, and much more
GPS Coordinates:
NW: 45.06450030, -84.85318635
SW: 45.06433359, -84.85301738
SE: 45.06443778, -84.85281085
NE: 45.06463670, -84.85300933
Parcel ID: 061-100-000-145-00
Local Unit: Township Elmira Town: 31N Range: 4W
School Dist Code: 69020
School Dist Name: Gaylord Community
Property Class: 402
Yearly Taxes Approximately: $39.00
Land Information
Acreage: 0.12
Zoning: MUZ TWN CN
Approximate Center GPS Coordinate:
450352.1N 845110.8W
45.064472, -84.852997
No Back Taxes
No Liens
No HOA Fees
No Payments
No Time Limit To Build
Straight Cash Sale
Warranty Deed
$599 Document Fee
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