If you are a waterfowler, you may want to stop and take a good look at this property. Situated just south of Indian Lake, this wetland will be full of feathers as it is every fall and winter with multiple species of fowl. The owner did not hunt this in the 22’ season, and the locals will tell you they wish he would’ve kept the birds moving. The timber off the east side of the property is full of mature hardwoods and loaded with deer travel as they move around the water, making this a super funnel for the local bucks cruising during the rut from timber to timber. The southwest corner of the property is ideal for a food plot to catch deer as they feed towards the big AG fields nightly. Cover and water are not an issue with this place; you will just need to plant some food if you want to, or you can sit back and let them munch on the vast AG fields that surround this area.