Location: Droptine ranch is located in Young County next to Throckmorton County line on Highway 380. The ranch is approximately 2 1/2 hours from Dallas, 2 hours from Fort Worth, and 25 miles west of Graham.
Directions: From downtown Graham, Texas travel west on Hwy 380. Pass through Newcastle and continue traveling west on Hwy 380 for approximately 11 1/2 miles. The ranch gate is located on the north side of Hwy 380 about 1/4 mile before the Throckmorton county line.
Surveyed Acres: 636.27 Acres.
Terrain: This ranch is 100% pastureland with nice rolling topography. Large hills with exceptional wildlife habitat, big hardwoods and native grasses are found throughout. Large seasonal tributaries run through the majority of the northern half of the ranch. There are several good locations for a possible lake site. The mixture of trees covering this ranch include Post Oak, Live Oak, Chittamw...
Terrain: This ranch is 100% pastureland with nice rolling topography. Large hills with exceptional wildlife habitat, big hardwoods and native grasses are found throughout. Large seasonal tributaries run through the majority of the northern half of the ranch. There are several good locations for a possible lake site. The mixture of trees covering this ranch include Post Oak, Live Oak, Chittamwood, Cottonwood, Mesquite and Hackberry trees. Lotebush, prickly pear cactus, catclaw are also present and beneficial for wildlife.
Hunting: This is a low-fenced trophy whitetail deer property with large neighbors. The Throckmorton/Young county line is well known for quality whitetail deer genetics. The three tanks on the ranch are in a good flyway and attract a large number of ducks in the fall and winter months. Sandhill Cranes can also be found on the tanks quite frequently. Quail are also flourishing in this native environment. Quail numbers are very good this year with plenty of good places to run bird dogs. Turkey, bobcats, feral hogs and a variety of other varmints can also be found on this ranch.
Improvements: There is a fenced, approximately 1 acre campsite located just inside the front gate off of Hwy 380. A small hunter's cabin is in place and electricity has been installed in the cabin. There is a separate electrical hook up located by the cabin for additional RV campers if needed. A rural water line is accessible down Hwy 380 at the front gate and can be installed to the campsite if needed. A 30 foot owned lane connects the campsite up front to the main body of the ranch in the back. Droptine Ranch is tucked away and has a nice feeling of seclusion. There is an excellent system of roads throughout the ranch as well.
Stock Water: There are 3 stock tanks on the property. Two smaller tanks on the north and south ends and one larger tank centrally located. The tanks all fluctuate during the year, but are usually a very reliable source of water for animals. The water tributaries or mini creeks in the northern portion of the ranch are known to move large amounts of water during a rain. A couple lake sights are possible in this area.
Utilities: Electricity is provided by Ft. Belknap Electric Cooperative. Rural water is available through Ft. Belknap Water Supply.
Surface Leases: No current leases are in place.
Minerals: 25% with acceptable offer.
Blake Hortenstine, Broker
214-616-1305 mobile
Jack Fauntleroy, Agent
940-550-4432 mobile
Hortenstine Ranch Company, LLC (Broker)
10711 Preston Rd, Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75230
214-361-9191 office