Legal: The South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 3 East of the 6th P.M. Stanton County, Nebraska. The North Half of the Northwest Quarter, the North Half of the Northeast Quarter excluding the west 27 and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter in Section 28, Township 20 North, Range 3 East of the 6th P.M. Colfax County, Nebraska.
Soils: Nora-Crofton complex and Moody silty clay loam.
Farm Program: ARC-CO
Location: Located at 573 Ave & 823 Road, Stanton County and Road 10 and Road U Colfax County.
Description: Excellent dryland farms with 267.56 tillable acres (95.8%).
Real Estate Taxes:
2014 Colfax County: $12,318.84
2015 Stanton County: $3,406.26
Possession: Immediate full possession.
Price: Taking offers.
The Stanton County '80' is located 2 miles east of Clarkson on Road X then north on Road 10 2 miles. The farm is at the intersection of 823 Road & 573 Ave.
The Colfax County '200' is located 2 miles east of Clarkson on Road X then south on Road 10 3 miles. The farm is south of Road U and between Road 10 and Road 9.