Large dairy facility on 247 acres in Sanpete County, on the east rolling hills of Centerfield/Gunnison. Milk barn consists of 2 milking parlors: 1 is a double 11 herringbone, 1 is mid-remodel (sold as-is) being configured as a double 16 with a basement under the parlor for milk lines. Includes two 10,000 gal silo milk tanks. Total of 14 corrals, 12 of them with covered free stalls. Corral capacities range from 96-100 milking cows. Milk cow corrals all have mangers with headlocks. All corrals consist of drill pipe, succor rod & cable. Both holding pens have air operated crowd gates. Large maternity barn. Covered & open heifer and young stock corrals. Cement lined silage pits & covered commodity shed. 3 sided repair shop. Large truck scale. Well with large gravity flow storage tank, city water connection, and pressurized irrigation shares included. All existing manure and compost rows incl...
Large dairy facility on 247 acres in Sanpete County, on the east rolling hills of Centerfield/Gunnison. Milk barn consists of 2 milking parlors: 1 is a double 11 herringbone, 1 is mid-remodel (sold as-is) being configured as a double 16 with a basement under the parlor for milk lines. Includes two 10,000 gal silo milk tanks. Total of 14 corrals, 12 of them with covered free stalls. Corral capacities range from 96-100 milking cows. Milk cow corrals all have mangers with headlocks. All corrals consist of drill pipe, succor rod & cable. Both holding pens have air operated crowd gates. Large maternity barn. Covered & open heifer and young stock corrals. Cement lined silage pits & covered commodity shed. 3 sided repair shop. Large truck scale. Well with large gravity flow storage tank, city water connection, and pressurized irrigation shares included. All existing manure and compost rows included.