Located Northeast of Arnold Nebraska, Custer County Mixed Bag Paradise speaks for itself! This property offers trophy Mule and Whitetail Deer, Pheasant, Quail and an abundance of Merriam Turkeys all on your own slice of paradise. The property sits on 253 acres with some amazing views, but what is so intriguing to the eye is its diversity. From the homestead looking North you will see lush agriculture ground including a CRP project completed and mature from Pheasants Forever. South of the homestead lies the rugged canyon country. The canyon land showcases the beautiful views of Custer County, and hosts the perfect hiding spot for wildlife. Games trails line the bottoms of the canyons, and they are well worn from traffic and turkey roosts that have been there for years. The homestead includes a 1,500 square foot manufactured home that is 10 years old. There is a second home for guests and ...
Located Northeast of Arnold Nebraska, Custer County Mixed Bag Paradise speaks for itself! This property offers trophy Mule and Whitetail Deer, Pheasant, Quail and an abundance of Merriam Turkeys all on your own slice of paradise. The property sits on 253 acres with some amazing views, but what is so intriguing to the eye is its diversity. From the homestead looking North you will see lush agriculture ground including a CRP project completed and mature from Pheasants Forever. South of the homestead lies the rugged canyon country. The canyon land showcases the beautiful views of Custer County, and hosts the perfect hiding spot for wildlife. Games trails line the bottoms of the canyons, and they are well worn from traffic and turkey roosts that have been there for years. The homestead includes a 1,500 square foot manufactured home that is 10 years old. There is a second home for guests and many outbuildings to park your equipment or toys. FSA Information Base Acres Enrolled in ARC County Corn 105.8 Wheat 20.1 Base Yield Corn-110 Wheat 37 CRP annual income = $8,014.45 Taxes: $4,263.04 Legal Description: Section 31-18-24 NE 1/4, N1/2 SE 240.0 Acres Arnold Custer County, NE Section 32-18-24 PAR in SW 1/4 and S 1/2 NW 13/98 Acres, Arnold, Custer County, NE