Crooked Creek Ranch
Stretching from the eastern slope of the Guadalupe Mountains, the Crooked Creek Ranch offers a variety of terrain and forage for your livestock. It is located 25 miles southwest of Hope and 45 miles from Artesia, New Mexico. Access is mostly paved single lane road from US Hwy 82. The lower country is located in southern Chaves County and the upper country in Otero County. The elevations run from 4500 to 6000. 18,244 combined acres provide a total grazing allotment of 395 AUYL cattle, and 10 horses. The Forest permit may be converted to sheep. The ranch consists of 11,028 acres BLM, 4,480 acres of Forest Service, 2536 acres State and 200 acres Private. All numbers are MOL.
It is all broken up into 9 major pastures and 4 smaller traps for efficient management. .
3 wells (2 submersible and 1 solar) and a spring development system are used with an extensive and thought...
3 wells (2 submersible and 1 solar) and a spring development system are used with an extensive and thoughtful watering network for best utilization.This includes some 19 storages and 26 drinkers. All are tied together with 1.25 poly pipe. Numerous dirt tanks are a bonus. Auxiliary stock working facilities are provided in the upper and lower parts of the ranch. Construction is pipe and panel and cross tie and wire. Fences are predominately net wire. All the improvements are in fully functional condition and only need your livestock to go to work.
Crooked Creek HQ includes the main working facility. The construction is pipe and panel, with numerous pens and corrals, a squeeze chute and working alley. A large shop is available, along with covered storage and overhead feed bins. The headquarter home is very nice, large and comfortable, with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Like the entire ranch, it is move-in ready. Another interesting feature is the tack-room, which once served as a school house.
The ranch is also a place of great beauty and historical interest. Mule Deer, Blue Quail, Barbary Sheep and more are found and Elk have been seen in the upper country. The upper pastures are part of the Lincoln National Forest with bluffs, canyons and juniper forest to enjoy. The lower country is rolling hills, broad flats and long vistas. The HQ and Sargent Seep homesteads are some the oldest in the area. There are sights to see and legends to be learned at Crooked Creek Ranch.
From Hope, NM on US 82, go south on Armstrong Road to Bronc Road. Total mileage from Hope to the Ranch is 25 miles.