Ideal investment opportunity! Crooked Creek is an 187 acre Timber and Recreation property in Wheeler County. Property features a beautiful 17+/- acre pecan orchard, 36+/- acres of 17 year old longleaf pines, 45+/- acres of 12 year old longleaf pines, 60+/- acres of natural pine and hardwoods on both sides of Crooked Creek and a small pond. Immediate return on investment with timber value of $175,721 and pine straw contract already in place through 2022 ($7,800 annually). Property is located only 1.5 hours to Macon, approx. 2 hours from Florida/Georgia line & 2 hours from Savannah. Call Jason Williams for more information (912)764-LAND 5263
From Lumber City, GA take GA Hwy 19 N. for 6.8 miles & property will be on your right.