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9,210 Acres in Big Timber, MT - $10,950,000

Crazy Waters Ranch

Located 20 miles north of Big Timber, this primarily deeded 9,000 acre ranch features stunning views of the Crazy and Absaroka mountains, a 350 acre private lake, and over 6.5 miles of Sweetgrass Creek, one of the areas major trout fisheries. A wellbalanced 300 animal unit operating ranch with 292 acres currently being irrigated, an extensive riparian corridor and strong upland pastures, the Crazy Waters Ranch offers a synergistic blend of recreation and production. Wildlife on the ranch covers a broad spectrum and includes whitetail and mule deer, sharptail and sage grouse, pheasant, Hungarian partridge, antelope, turkey, sandhill cranes and raptors not to mention the extensive waterfowl populations that grace the lake, ponds and streams. A distinctive log home and multiple houses for guests, family and staff, as well as comprehensive livestock and ranch buildings, complete the picture...

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Hall and Hall

Billings, MT

(406) 656-7500