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Size: 466 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

466 Acres in Sedan, NM - $307,560

Cowen Road Farm

Cowen Road Farm

State: New Mexico

Region: Northeastern, NM

County: Union

Property Type: Farmland in CRP and Native Grass subject to irrigation

Acres: 466 acres more or less


The farm consists of 466 acres more or less. 244.2 acres are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program until September 30, 2023 at $35.37 per acre per year or a total of $8,637.00 per year. The 125.43 acre +/- circle on the northeast quarter of the property has been sown to native grasses and is fenced with a four-strand barbed wire fence with steel and cedar post on the south side of the circle, new, five-strand barbed wire fences on steel and wooden post on both the west and north sides of the circle and a hot-wire fence on the east side of the circle. The 96.36 acres +/- in the corners formed by the arcs of the three circles are in native grass.

The improvements located on the two, seven a...

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From Sedan, NM east on NM State Hwy. 102 to Cowen Road thence south 2 miles on Cowan Road to the Cowen Road/Barnhart Road intersection to the northeast corner of the property. When coming from Dalhart, Texas on the North Sedan Road (Hwy. 421/102) proceed 3 miles from the Texas/NM State Line to Cowen Road thence south on Cowan Road which is an all-weather road.


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Contact Seller
Scott Land Company, LLC

Dimmitt, TX

(409) 978-7666

Provided By

Scott Land Company, LLC, (409) 978-7666
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