Cowen Road Farm
State: New Mexico
Region: Northeastern, NM
County: Union
Property Type: Farmland in CRP and Native Grass subject to irrigation
Acres: 466 acres more or less
The farm consists of 466 acres more or less. 244.2 acres are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program until September 30, 2023 at $35.37 per acre per year or a total of $8,637.00 per year. The 125.43 acre +/- circle on the northeast quarter of the property has been sown to native grasses and is fenced with a four-strand barbed wire fence with steel and cedar post on the south side of the circle, new, five-strand barbed wire fences on steel and wooden post on both the west and north sides of the circle and a hot-wire fence on the east side of the circle. The 96.36 acres +/- in the corners formed by the arcs of the three circles are in native grass.
The improvements located on the two, seven a...
The improvements located on the two, seven acre corners +/- located on Cowen Road between the arcs of the two east circles are reserved by the owner and are not a part of the property being offered for sale. Three pivot sprinklers currently located on the property consist of two Hygromatic pivot sprinklers and one Reinke pivot sprinkler which have not been run for several years. It is our understanding from the owner of the property that the three pivot sprinklers and the four irrigation wells are tied together with underground pipe. There are no irrigation pumps in the four irrigation wells at this time. The Cowen Road Farm consists of sandy loam soils and lays very level with gradual sloping to the east. This property would make a great investment with the CRP income and a good cattle operation which can be increased when the CRP contract expires or resuming an irrigation operation if desired by buyer. Deeper irrigation wells have been drilled in the Sedan area in the last several years producing a higher volume of water per well.
We will be happy to assist a potential buyer for the property with researching additional information for the irrigation potential of the property at buyers discretion.
From Sedan, NM east on NM State Hwy. 102 to Cowen Road thence south 2 miles on Cowan Road to the Cowen Road/Barnhart Road intersection to the northeast corner of the property. When coming from Dalhart, Texas on the North Sedan Road (Hwy. 421/102) proceed 3 miles from the Texas/NM State Line to Cowen Road thence south on Cowan Road which is an all-weather road.