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Under Contract
Pinon, NM 88354(Otero County)
Size: 23,890 Acres

23,890 Acres in Pinon, NM - $3,999,000

Cornucopia Pinon Ranch

We are excited to have the exclusive listing on the Cornucopia Ranch located about 12 miles southeast of Pinon, NM. This is 23,890 acres (37.3 sections) of highly productive ranch land consisting of 1,618 deeded acres, 19,882 acres of BLM and 2,390 acres of State Lease. This ranch has a BLM allotment of 494 head making it the perfect size operation.

*There is also an option to add the nearby W Bar ranch for an additional 1,920 acres, all deeded.

Land and Improvements

The main headquarters is centrally located with one set of working pens along with a set of catch pens on the east and west ends of the ranch. At the headquarters there is a nice 2013 Palm Harbor home with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Also at the headquarters is a large barn with an overhang for horses or livestock to get in out of the weather. In addition, there other outbuildings that provide storage for tack and oth...

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Contact us for directions to this property
Contact Seller
Caprock Farm and Ranch Realty, LLC

Mineral Wells, TX

(575) 483-1415

Ryan McKnight

Caprock Farm and Ranch Realty, LLC
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