355 acres, 5 miles WNW of Cisco. PRICE REDUCED. Very good hunting with high deer density (common to see 20 or more in a hunt)and good genetics. Plenty of shooter bucks along with promising young deer for the future. Thousands of daylight pictures during 2015 season. Quite a treat hunting this place with a bow this year - a real Pope and Young factory and a target-rich environment to say the least! Flocks of turkey and at least 7 big coveys of quail as well. Enough hogs to keep interesting but not over-run with them. Rolling terrain with post oak, live oak, mesquite and excellent grass. Property features a large tank (stocked with fish) that always has water, and another outstanding large tank site.
Travel WNW out of Cisco for 5 miles on FM 2945. After driving beneath large electric transmission line that crosses HWY, travel another 0.6 mile until reaching single gate on Right.