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Under Contract
Gatesville, TX 76528(Coryell County)
Size: 172.79 Acres

172.79 Acres in Gatesville, TX - $1,062,659

Central Texas Paradise

This is a recreational paradise. Lots of whitetail deer, turkey and feral hogs. Several nice homesites. One seasonals stock. Windmill water well sole source of livestock water. Well is apprx. 147 ft. deep. The terrain is heavy brush, mostly cedar and Mesquite with plenty of hardwoods. So many possibilities. Bring the horses, cattle, sheep/goats and the 4-wheeler. So close to Fort Hood/Killeen, Scott & White Hospital, VA Medical Center, Waco, Temple and Austin. Think long, think wrong and itll be gone.


From Coryell County Courthouse go west on Main St/US Hwy 84 14 miles to Purmela. At the blinking light and the Purmela Post Office, turn right(north) toward Ireland/Hamilton. Go approximately 3.5 miles and look for sign on the gate on your left.

Contact Seller
RealSmart, Inc.

Gatesville, TX

(254) 279-6456

Larry Smart

RealSmart, Inc.
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