This property includes 13.73 acres located 13 miles west from I-15. This parcel has beautiful 360 views and access along 17600 West. Zoned RA-5 in the incorporated town of Cedar Fort. 2017 Taxes: $2.37. Elevation ranges from 5,191 feet to 5,306 feet. No utilities available to property - power nearby. 30 miles from Salt Lake City, Utah.
- 13.73306 acres in Cedar Fort, Utah
- Access from 17600 West
- Zoned RA-5 - 5-acre minimum lot size in Cedar Fort
- Beautiful 360 views
- 2017 Taxes: $2.37
- Elevation: 5,191 feet to 5,306 feet
- Utah County parcels #58:049:0052
- No utilities available to property - power nearby
- 13 miles from I-15 in Lehi, Utah
- 30 miles from Salt Lake City, Utah