What a neat property this is! Texas Hill Country - almost end-of-road privacy.
Joins the famed Real Ranch [still in original family ownership since the 1800s] on its west side - guessing that ranch is around 5000 acres +/-.
Rolling Hill Country terrain - gentle valley, good soil and grass cover on part of ranch, great stand of trees including Live Oaks [several large Mighty Oaks], Spanish Oaks, Post Oaks, Walnuts, and moderate cover of Cedar. Elevations range from 2045' to 2115'. Good grass cover in several areas.
South line is 4' net fencing in poor shape; North line is 4' net fencing in good shape, west line is 8' net fending in good shape, east side has paved county road frontage and is not fenced.
Two driveways in place for entrance.
Nice views from several vantage points - great building sites.
Electricity is on the property including meter loop; also telephone / in...
Electricity is on the property including meter loop; also telephone / internet is on the property line. Utility lines run along both north / south fence lines as well as the road.
There is a large cave in the middle of the property - somewhat explored by owner, exact size unknown.
Good area for hunting various types of game.
Unrestricted - do as you please.
10 x 12 wood shed. Small fenced trap.
The cave entrance is grated and locked; due to liability concerns, it can only be viewed with an Earnest Money Contract in place and during the Option Period. A Liability Release favoring Owner & Realtor will be required signing by potential buyer prior to cave viewing.
Property taxes $2401 / annually.
Ingram School District.
16 miles southwest of downtown Kerrville in the Upper Turtle Creek area of Kerr County.
This is a great Hill Country property, plenty of quiet & privacy, plus large family ranch as a neighbor to the west - come take a look!
Property is 16 miles southwest of downtown Kerrville. Take Hwy. 16 South [Sidney Baker South / Medina Hwy.] eight miles and turn right on Upper Turtle Creek Road [Hwy. 1273]. Go four miles and turn right on Keith Blvd. Go one mile and turn left on Prine Lane. Go one-half mile and turn right on Coultress Road, go to the end which will be 1.5 miles, then turn left on Doyle Road and go 2/10 mile and next right will be Mary Ruth - 4/10 of a mile on the left - should be my FOR SALE sign in place.