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Size: 160.76 Acres
Type: Farms

160.76 Acres in Campbell, NE - $950,000

Campbell Pivot

160.76 acres located in northeastern Franklin County, Nebraska. This is a productive center-pivot irrigated farm with solid production history, good water, and sound equipment.

To schedule a private showing, contact listing agent Adam D. Pavelka at (402)519-2777.


From Campbell, miles west on Highway 4 to 43 Road, then north 3 miles, then west mile on south side of road. Located in northeastern Franklin County, Nebraska.

The Northwest Quarter (NW ) of Section Eleven (11), Township Four (4) North, Range Thirteen (13) West of the 6th P.M., Franklin County, Nebraska [160.76 tax-assessed acres].

Contact Seller
Agri Affiliates | Hastings

Hastings, NE

(402) 207-9415