Have you ever heard of Glenwood, Arkansas? If not, you might be interested in checking it out. Located 30 minutes from interstate 30 at Arkadelphia, and approximately 40 minutes from historic Hot Springs, which has all the shopping, relaxing, entertaining and gaming to meet everyone's needs, this quaint little town is quickly becoming the "go to spot" to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities. Why, you ask? Well, first and foremost, there is all the beauty of the land that mother nature has provided, and of course, there is also the very popular and beautiful Caddo River, which is great for floating and kayaking and fishing, etc. There's just something about the serene sound of flowing water that soothes the soul, and this 1925 sq ft house sitting on 1.5 acres at the end of the road offers the perfect place to enjoy doing just that. The home offers an open floor pla...
Have you ever heard of Glenwood, Arkansas? If not, you might be interested in checking it out. Located 30 minutes from interstate 30 at Arkadelphia, and approximately 40 minutes from historic Hot Springs, which has all the shopping, relaxing, entertaining and gaming to meet everyone's needs, this quaint little town is quickly becoming the "go to spot" to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities. Why, you ask? Well, first and foremost, there is all the beauty of the land that mother nature has provided, and of course, there is also the very popular and beautiful Caddo River, which is great for floating and kayaking and fishing, etc. There's just something about the serene sound of flowing water that soothes the soul, and this 1925 sq ft house sitting on 1.5 acres at the end of the road offers the perfect place to enjoy doing just that. The home offers an open floor plan with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with an absolutely gorgeous view of the river. Also, there is plenty of open area just to hangout and enjoy. Give me a call today to set up your appointment . 870-703-1194
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